Campfire with the Lorax - Coyote Club
APR 03 2018 5:00 PM
Event Summary
Coyote Club is for kids age 6-10 who are interested in nature, animals, and outdoor fun! Participants engage with the Naturalist at Fontana Park, with programs scattered throughout the year.
The upcoming Coyote Club Program features an interactive telling of the Dr. Seuss classic, The Lorax - presented by the Old Onceler himself! Each kid will have a role to play during the raucous re-enactment. Following the Lorax Story, Coyote Club will venture outside to the Nature Play Area. This is a designated area in the Fontana Woodland where we work to keep plants and poison ivy removed. Children will be able to use their imagination to create their own fun in nature. The program will conclude with snacks in the Nature Center. Be sure to dress for the weather, since Coyote Club always goes outside!
Child - $5.00