Building Better Birders Workshop - Part 2

NOV 12 2022 12:30 PM

Fontana Park , Buchanan County

Event Summary

Birding is a hobby that can be done looking through windows at home or climbing cliffs. You can bird using expensive equipment or none at all. Birders of all skill levels are encouraged to join this workshop focusing on water birds. There will be two sessions during the day:

10-11:30 – Waterfowl and upland game birds will be featured. Learn identification tips and life history information for waterfowl (ducks, geese and swans) that make yearly layovers in Iowa during fall and spring migrations.

12:30-3:30 –  Participants will use spotting scopes and binoculars to view waterfowl on the backwaters of the Wapsipinicon River. Dozens of species use this layover. 

Participants will be provided materials to create a recycled bird feeders. Bringing birds close during winter will give participants chances to build identification and observation skills. Information also will be provided on citizen science tied to backyard birding.

Birders of all skill levels are encouraged to join this workshop focusing on water birds. This workshop is part of a larger series of Building Better Birders workshops being held across Iowa (see info on other opportunities at and led by Kelly McKay, Mark Roberts, Brian Ritter, and Jimmy Wiebler. Funding for these werkshops was provided through a REAP-CEP grant.

