Dutch Oven Cooking
JUL 02 2021 5:30 PM
Event Summary
Tired of grilling the same old burgers? You can learn a new method of outdoor food preparation in Dutch Oven Cooking 101. The class will be taught Friday, July 2nd at 5:30 p.m. at the South Shelter Area of Buena Vista County Conservation Park. Naturalist Katie will present the basics of Dutch oven cooking, including ovens, supplies, recipes, and more. There will be no need to plan supper that night – a Dutch oven meal will be served following the presentation. Registration is required for this program by Tuesday, June 29th. To RSVP contact the conservation office at 712-295-7985.
For more information on this program, contact the Buena Vista County Conservation Board by calling 712-295-7985 or e-mailing naturalist@bvcountyparks.com. Visit us online at our website, www.bvcountyparks.com or on Facebook for more up-to-date information.
Covid-19 Guidelines:
∙ Any of these activities could be cancelled at any time due to Covid-19.
∙ Please do not go to any activity if you have a fever, are exhibiting symptoms, have been recently diag nosed, or have been around someone recently diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 2 weeks.
∙ Social distancing is encouraged. You are welcome to bring your own mask and wear it.
∙ Participants will be required to use hand sanitizer before and after touching any objects provided by the CCCB.