Yellow Smoke fish cleaning station.

Check-In / Out Availability Check-in is after 06:00 AM and check-out is before 10:30 PM.

Location Located at the west end of the campground and next to the Boat Ramp parking lot.


  • Carry in/carry out refuse
  • Electricity
  • Handicap Accessible
  • Pressurized water
  • Refuse cans
Fish cleaning station with electric outlets and water.

Hours of Operation & Seasons

6:00 AM until 10:30 PM daily.


2237 Yellow Smoke Road
Ph: 712-263-2748

Denison, IA, 51442




Where You'll Be

Crawford County

Since its establishment in west-central Iowa,  the Crawford County Conservation Board has acquired 1115 acres of land which have been developed into 22 individual parks, wildlife and forest areas, public hunting areas and a historical site. In addition, the Board holds six management agreements on 16.5 acres of native prairie located through out the county. For the river enthusiast, four public access areas have been developed on the Boyer River.

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