Memorial Tree Planting Program

The Hamilton County Conservation Board (HCCB) is accepting memorial tree plantings for the county parks and other managed areas.  The following specifications applies for memorial tree plantings:

  • Must be a tree species native to the State of Iowa and meet temperature zone.
  • Tree must be a minimum of 1.5 inch caliper. Can be potted or ball and burlap.
  • Location and spacing must be approved by HCCB staff.
  • Memorial plaque and post must be ordered through Plastic Recycling of Iowa Falls 641-648-5073 and approved by HCCB. (Sample is located at Conservation office).
  • A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be required for the care and replacement of the tree for up to one year. This MOU also includes the memorial plaque.


The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a cooperative, but non-exclusive, arrangement to plant memorial tree(s) on County property that is managed by the Hamilton County Conservation Board.


This Agreement shall be in effect from one year of the tree planting.



  1. Individual or Family will meet with HCCB staff to determine tree(s) and location.
  2. Individual or Family will be responsible for purchasing and delivering desired tree as per specifications.
  3. Individual or Family will be responsible for purchasing the plaque/post as per specifications set by HCCB.
  4. Plaque specifications are as follows:

  a.  Orders must be placed through Plastic Recycling of Iowa in Iowa Falls 641-648-5073
Plaque and post cost $95 each
One size only (see sample)


  1. HCCB shall assist individual or family in determining tree species and location.
  2.  HCCB shall assist in planting the tree in agreed location.
  3.  HCCB shall stake, mulch, install a tree tube and water after planting.
  4.  HCCB shall install memorial plaque.
  5.  HCCB shall maintain and care for tree and plaque for one year after planting.


After one year from when the tree was planted:

  • HCCB will not be responsible for tree replacement if needed due to vandalism or natural disasters including drought.
  • HCCB will do routine mowing and pruning as needed.
  • The plaque ordered through Plastic Recycling of Iowa Falls will be the responsibility of the donor(s) in case of theft or natural disaster.
  • HCCB will replace if damage is caused by HCCB equipment or operator error.

Contact Information:

Golf Course:  Travis Brown  515-832-9570 ext 13 or

Parks:  Brian Lammers  515-832-9570 ext 11 or

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