What's NEW in Recycling? Tour the New Trash Man Recycling Center

Event Summary

Due to the extreme heat, we have had to cancel the Recycling Program for tonight at The Trashman.  The recycling facility is not air conditioned, therefore the heat is not conducive for the planned program.  At this time a rescheduled date has not been made.  Follow our page for updates.

Join Chris Kehoe, “The Trash Man” and John Laird, Hamilton County Conservation as they present current the recycling opportunities available in Hamilton County and Hamilton County Parks. Chris Kehoe will lead a walking tour of the recycling center and go over the proper recycling procedures available with “The Trash Man”.  John Laird, Hamilton County Naturalist, will discuss the current status of “Carry In and Carry Out” garbage disposal and recycling in Hamilton County parks and campgrounds for 2013

All ages are welcome. Reserve a spot by calling the office at 515-832-9570 or email us at hccblaird@wmtel.net.

Sponsored by The Trash Man of Webster City


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