29th Annual Fishing Contest - Boone Valley Izaak Walton

Event Summary

  • Public is invited to fish for fun and prizes
  • Hundreds of $'s in prizes
  • Door prizes throughout the day
  • Special event for youth ages 12 and under!
  • $100 will be awarded for the longest of the following species:  Bass, Walleye, Crappie, Bluegill
  • You may catch more than one species and be eligible for more than one prize
  • Five - $20 prizes will be awarded for the smallest fish (any species) - Kids 12 and Under
Registration Fees:
  • Ages 16 and over       $10.00
  • Ages 15 and under    $3.00
Registration forms, official rules available at the Lake the morning of the event.

All bass and walleye must be measured and released as soon as possible.

Sponsored by Boone Valley Izaak Walton


Adults - $10.00

Child - $3.00


Special Events