29th Annual Fishing Contest - Boone Valley Izaak Walton
JUN 08 2014 9:00 AM
Event Summary
- Public is invited to fish for fun and prizes
- Hundreds of $'s in prizes
- Door prizes throughout the day
- Special event for youth ages 12 and under!
- $100 will be awarded for the longest of the following species: Bass, Walleye, Crappie, Bluegill
- You may catch more than one species and be eligible for more than one prize
- Five - $20 prizes will be awarded for the smallest fish (any species) - Kids 12 and Under
Registration Fees:
All bass and walleye must be measured and released as soon as possible.
Sponsored by Boone Valley Izaak Walton
- Ages 16 and over $10.00
- Ages 15 and under $3.00
All bass and walleye must be measured and released as soon as possible.
Sponsored by Boone Valley Izaak Walton
Adults - $10.00
Child - $3.00
Special Events