Monarch Tagging- Jefferson County

Event Summary

For the past several years high numbers of migrating monarchs have been found at Zillman Hickory Hills. Join us for a fun evening of catching, tagging and releasing monarch butterflies as they begin their annual migration. Monarch butterflies cannot survive our cold Iowa winters, instead they travel up to 3,000 miles south to forests high in the mountains of Mexico. Monarchs will stop to nectar along the way which is to our advantage.  Not only do they help to pollinate our plants, but it also gives us the opportunity to see them. We will be assisting with monarch research by catching the butterflies, placing a small tag on their wing, recording their information and releasing them to continue on their long journey. These tags help researchers to learn about the migration of the monarch.  

Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call (641)-472-4421 or email Nets and tags will be provided but please wear long pants and closed toed shoes.




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