
FEB 21 2010 1:00 PM

F.W. Kent Park , Johnson County

Event Summary

Have you ever found something that you thought resembled a stone tool that may have been left by Native American tribes that lived in this area years ago?  Did you ever wonder how that may have been made?  Come learn about the art of flintknapping.  Flintknapping is the making of flaked or chipped stone tools.  This technology was used in prehistoric times to make spear and dart points, arrowheads, knives, scrapers, blades, gravers, perforators and many other tools.  Flintknapping is a fun and interesting hobby which can provide considerable insight into the lives of prehistoric people.  Call (319) 645-1011 or e-mail bfreidhof@co.johnson.ia.us to preregister or for more information.  Class size will be limited to 15 participants to ensure hands-on learning and good instructor to student ratios.  A donation of $2 per participant is reccomendded to help off-set the cost of supplies and materials.

