Hale Wildlife Area
Discover Hale Wildlife Area in Wyoming
The Hale Wildlife Area, a 420-acre area, located northeast of Hale, includes 6 ponds, 8 wetlands, 197 acres of upland and prairie and 45 acres of trees. It is the perfect location for fishing, hiking, or an afternoon of hunting. Includes restored ponds, wetlands, and prairie, as well as a small wooded draw that provides vital habitat and recreational opportunities. The area is walk-in only — no motorized vehicles are allowed. Hale Wildlife Area
In 2021, 158 acres of land adjacent to the Hale Wildlife Area was enrolled in the Iowa Habitat and Access (IHAP) program. A program where landowners receive funding and expertise for habitat improvements when they enroll in the program, and in turn allow public access to their land for hunting. This section can only be accessed through the Hale Wildlife Area. For more information and a map of the IHAP area boundaries adjacent to the Hale Wildlife Area IDNR IHAP. (Wait for a few seconds for the map to load. Read and agree to the user agreement to see the map boundaries. Click on more info to learn more about IHAP in Iowa.)
This undeveloped natural area accessible by foot includes ponds - that are stocked with Largemouth Bass, Bluegill and Channel Catfish, hunting and 2.7 miles of hiking trails. The restored ponds, wetlands, and prairie, as well as a small wooded draw, provide vital habitat and recreational opportunities. The area is walk-in only, no motorized vehicles.
If you frequent the Hale Wildlife Area, you’ve likely heard the growl or buzz of either a forestry mower or chainsaw throughout 2021. Staff have been attacking some pretty aggressive smooth sumac and grey dogwood populations throughout the entire site, working towards eliminating it from higher quality sections, but also simply scaling down the populations into manageable pockets for some habitat diversity in strategic sections. Have no fear, areas that are mowed off this season will recover in the following season, with less competition against the more desired flowers and grass struggling beneath the layer of invasive shrubs. Work has also been done to provide better access to some of the ponds and wetland areas, opening gaps in the brush and peeling away layers of cattail skirting the edges of some of these areas.
Hale Wildlife Area Map