John H. Clark Wildlife Refuge

A 163 acre wildlife refuge bordering the Des Moines River. An excellent site for walking and wildlife viewing.

Hunting and fishing are not permitted on this property. NO ATVs/UTVs allowed.

The John H. Clark Wildlife Refuge land was enrolled in the Emergency Watershed Protection Program with the NRCS several years prior to LCCB’s acquisition. This program sets many limitations and guidelines for its management. The goal of this program is to restore, protect, maintain, and enhance the function of the floodplain; conserve natural values including fish and wildlife habitat, water quality improvement, flood water retention, ground water recharge, and open space; reduce long term federal disaster assistance; and safeguard lives and property from floods, droughts, and products of erosion. In flood years, nearly all of this property has been underwater.


Borders the Des Moines River and the Red Wing Property