Soap Making 101
JAN 27 2018 9:30 AM
GrimesFarm Conservation Center and Recreation Area , Marshall County
Event Summary
Explore the art and science of making handcrafted soap from scratch with Ann Staudt of Siberian Soap Co.! Using the centuries-old-cold-process soap making technique, students will combine plant-based oils and lye to create soaps that are mild, moisturizing, and eco-friendly. This workshop is very hands-on, with each participant making and taking home 1 pound of their own custom batch of herbal handcrafted soap. Long sleeves, long pants, and closed-toe shoes are required of all participants. Please bring an old towel or blanket to insulate your finished soap. Open to age 16+; younger students must have advance permission from instructor. Participants must pre-register and pay the $32.00 registration fee before January 19, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. to reserve limited spots. To register call 641-752-5490.
Class Registration You must register and pay any fees associated with the class by the deadline date. If you have not paid fees, you will not be registered. If you cancel after the registration deadline, monies will not be refunded due to the fact that materials have already been purchased for the class. MCCB can also now take credit card payments, however you must come to GrimesFarm and Conservation Center. Many classes have limited spots. This is to insure we can provide quality programming to participants. It is best to call early for limited spot classes because many fill up quickly.
Adults - $32.00
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