Rain Barrel workshop

Easter Lake Park, Polk County

Thursday, September 21, 2017

A short discussion about ways to collect and use runoff water will be held before participants construct their own 55-gallon rain barrel. All materials and tools will be provided. Make sure you are able to transport your barrel back to your home after the workshop. We'll meet at the shop/office near the main entrance off Easter Lake Drive. Co-sponsored by Polk Soil and Water Conservation District. Pre-registration required; deadline is Sept. 16. Fee: $50.

To Register

Registration is no longer available


Rain Barrel workshop


Thursday, September 21, 2017
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Easter Lake Park, shop
2830 Easter Lake Drive
Des Moines, IA
Questions please call, 515.323.5339.
Map This Location


Adults - $50.00

