Dinesen Prairie

Dinesen Prairie consists of 20 acres of native prairie that has never been turned by a plow. There are 114 types of plants here, and springtime brings forbs like prairie phlos and indigo bush. Summertime flowers include Canada anemone and leadplant, and fall brings blooms like asters and blazing star. Typical grasses found here are porcupine grass and prairie horsetail. Habituating the prairie are birds including bobolink and meadowlark, as well as many small mammals like the white-tailed jackrabbit and the meadow vole. The preserve was dedicated as a biological state preserve in 1977 by Derald Dinesen, whose gravestone is on top of a hill in the preserve, from which a view of the prairie is seen.


1837 1500th Street
Kirkman, IA  51447