Discover Plum Creek Park in Earlville

Plum Creek Park is located .5 mile southeast of Earlville in section 36 of Oneida Township (T89N-R4-W) Delaware County, Iowa.

The Delaware County Conservation Board purchased the 29.0-acre Plum Creek area in 1967. This area borders the town of Earlville to the southeast.

The public, as well as the County Conservation Board, supported the need for a recreational area in this portion of the county. The park is located at the corner of four townships and is a very popular area in the eastern part of Delaware County.

Plum Creek flows along the east side of the park property. The creek is bordered by picturesque limestone bluffs rising 80 feet on the west side of the stream. The area is extensively timbered with a variety of trees.

Evergreen trees were planted on 5 acres of a sandy knoll to prevent soil erosion and provide habitat for wildlife.

The park area contains a small playground, shelter without electric and a vault toilet. All this makes for an excellent picnicking and day use area next to the stream.

Hiking is also popular on the un-improved trails. The trail along the creek leads from the shelter upstream to a location named “Swimming Rock” by the locals. This was used for many years as a swimming hole for cooling down on hot days and leisure activities by children from Earlville before the municipal swimming pool was built.

Plum Creek may be one of the smaller public parks in Delaware County but it offers some of the most scenic beauty for outdoor recreation.

The park amenities include:

  • Stream Access
  • Hiking Trails
  • Shelter
  • Vault Restroom