Event Summary

Support monarch butterfly conservation by contributing to the international Monarch Blitz! The Monarch Blitz invites people across North America to count monarchs soaring in the sky and examine milkweed plants for monarch eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalises.

Drop by the Hurstville Interpretive Center between Noon - 4:00 PM on Sunday, August 4 for materials and directions before heading out for a self-guided prairie hike.

Each year, thousands of participants from Canada, Mexico, and the United States submit observations to the Monarch Blitz. The data collected by these volunteers assist scientists in answering important questions about the distribution of monarch butterflies and milkweed, the timing of reproduction, and the use of floral resources. This information enables conservationists to identify actions needed to protect the monarch butterfly for generations to come.

This event is free and open to the public. All ages may participate, but at least one adult per group is recommended. For more information, contact Jackson County Conservation at (563) 652-3783 or email conservation@jacksoncounty.iowa.gov. The Hurstville Interpretive Center is located 1 mile north of Maquoketa on Highway 61.

No registration is required, just show up. 

