Maquoketa River Water Trail

View of the Maquoketa River from Buzzard Ridge Wildlife Area Davison Bridge Access Joinerville Access Bridgeport Access Bridgeport Access Iron Bridge Access Iron Bridge Access   Spragueville Access Damon Bridge Access Canton Access

Discover Maquoketa River Water Trail in Maquoketa

Paddling enthusiasts can take advantage of a well-developed and maintained river trail system along the Maquoketa River in Jackson County. There are two forks of the Maquoketa River that meander some 50 miles through the county, meeting just north of the town of Maquoketa. The river then flows another 30 miles until it reaches the Mississippi River. 

North Fork: (less developed)

  • Caven Bridge Access - located at the bridge on 60th Ave. 60th Ave is a gravel road off county road Y31.
  • Davison Bridge Access - located at the bridge on 212th Ave, about 1.5 miles east of Highway 61. 
  • Other undeveloped accesses (Ozark Bridge, Teeters Bridge, and others) occur on road right-of-ways or on private land and landowner permission should be obtained before using these. 
South Fork:
  • Canton Bridge Access - located at the bridge in the town of Canton on county road E17
  • Buzzard Ridge Canoe Stop - located in Buzzard Ridge Wildlife Area, river is accessible to hikers and paddlers. 
  • Millertown Bridge Access - located at bridge on 30th Ave, 3 miles north of Monmouth. 
  • Royertown Bridge Access - located at bridge on county road Y34, 3 miles north of Baldwin
  • Chenelworth Bridge Access - located at bridge on 82nd Ave, 3 miles NE of Baldwin
  • Morehead Canoe Access - located at bridge on 70th St, 3 miles NE of Baldwin
  • Joinerville Park - located on 123rd Ave, access from Highway 64    
Please use EXTREME CAUTION if continuing down the river to Lakehurst Dam.   

  • Lakehurst Dam - located on 173rd Ave in Maquoketa
  • Maquoketa City Access - located at N. 5th St. in Maquoketa
Maquoketa River:
  • Bridgeport Access - located at the bridge on Highway 62, 1 mile north of Maquoketa
  • Iron Bridge Access - located on county road E23Y (Iron Bridge Road), between Maquoketa and Spragueville
  • Spragueville Access - located on county road Z20, 1/2 mile north of Spragueville
  • Damon Bridge Access - located at bridge on county road Z34, 4 miles north of Preston
  • Highway 52 Access - located off 482nd Ave, just north of Green Island

The Maquoketa River is a popular and scenic river with more to do than just paddle! 

  • Picnicking
  • Camping along the river - all primitive
    • Buzzard Ridge Access - pit toilets available
    • Joinerville Park - permit required
    • Paddle-in only camping allowed at accesses. No vehicle camping. 
  • Canoe rentals and shuttle service available from private outfitters
  • Fishing
    • Major fish species present include smallmouth bass, channel catfish 
    • Minor fish species present include crappie, white bass, walleye, Northern pike
  • Boating - concrete boat ramp at Joinerville Park, Spragueville Access, Highway 52 Access
  • Swimming

Click here for a video about the Maquoketa River Water Trail and the various accesses in Jackson County.