10 Acre Display Area

Check-In / Out Availability Check-in is after N/A and check-out is before N/A.

Location 318 East Iowa Ave.
Onawa, Iowa 51040

Hours of Operation & Seasons

Call first 712-433-2400


318 E. Iowa Avenue
Ph: 712-433-2400

Onawa, IA, 51040


Open Year round

Where You'll Be

Monona County

Come visit Monona County Parks!

The Monona County Conservation Board is located in west central Iowa along the Missouri River and is nestled in the center of the Loess Hills. The Monona CCB manages 17 individual parks, natural areas, preserves and water recreation accesses encompassing some 1,000 acres across the county. We're under an hour away from Sioux City, Iowa and a little over an hour from Omaha, Nebraska. Monona County has a lot of attractions including over 90 modern campsites in our county parks that includes 31 full hook-up sites! Monona County also manages 7 ponds and three river accesses to allow ample opportunity for water recreation and fishing. Blue Lake State Park is also located right outside of Onawa, and Preparation Canyon State Park near Moorhead to add to the great outdoor attractions in our county! With over 20,000 acres of public access in Monona County there is something for everyone in the outdoors to enjoy! 

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